Run Amok
Directed by Nitzan Mager
Produced by Lela Meadow-Conner
United States | English | 13' | Fiction
Meg, professional teacher's pet and amateur harpist, decides to stage a full, musical reenactment of the shooting that took place at her high school in honor of the 10 year anniversary.
Run Amok is an inventive and surprising piece of filmmaking that examines the competing ways in which people process tragedy. It also honestly asks the questions: who should control the narratives around gun violence? The adults whose job it is to protect… or the children who are inheriting a world increasingly full of mass shootings? Run Amok masterfully blends dark humor and earnest questions through its wholly original script and star-is-born performance from Alyssa Emily Marvin. Divisive in the best-way-possible, I’m thrilled to share filmmaker Nitzan Mager’s satire of dismissive optimism with our audience. — Erin Brown Thomas, Artistic Director