Directed by Tom Krawczyk
Produced by Nick J. Santore
United States | Polish | 8' | Fiction
A Polish mother grieves when her only child leaves their home in the suburbs of Chicago to study in Poland. While her son is away, she finds a baby squirrel in her backyard and forges a unique and powerful bond with the animal, raising him as if he were her own child.
I’m a sucker for any video on the internet about a baby animal that gets rescued. So, when a filmmaker with a keen eye and a strong sense of story arc and pacing gets his hands on an adorable story about a orphaned baby squirrel, you can bet that I’m all in. In My Dudus, Tom Krawczyk manages to combine the story of two empty nests, leaving audiences to ponder themes of growing up, trust, friendship, and found family. — Erin Brown Thomas, Artistic Director
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